One portion of the project that I am working on is the GPIO inputs -> Raspberry Pi 5 -> Web App connection/pipeline. To test the GPIO, we would connect the arrow keys via wires to GPIO pins. We would want to verify the corresponding output on the terminal. When that is working, we would be able to ensure that signals sent via GPIO can be processed by the Raspberry Pi. From there, we would use socket.IO for our Web App (acting as client) that would listen for messages sent from RPi5 (acting as server). Our goal is to validate that the arrow keypad would increase SBB interactivity with the user. In this case, we would test that the robot can seamlessly transition between states such as break screen to home screen, or play games of rock, paper, scissors with the user. Our main goal in validation is survey feedback, to see if users engaging with the SBB would say that it made a difference on their study session, compared to a group of users who are studying normally. Another goal is to test for Web App latency, to ensure communication between SBB and Web App is <250 ms. That way, users can have an easy time setting up their study sessions to promote productivity. For the display, we want users to be able to interact with the timer. Our validation goal is that the timer is displayed clearly on the DSI display, and users can easily input their study duration
In summary, our goals are categorized as such:
- Ensure Web App (client) can communicate with SBB (server) via WebSockets and accurate data can be received on both ends to display correct information (e.g. WebApp can display study session being paused/resumed, and SBB can display correct information: timer stopping/resuming, synced together)
- We also desire seamless communication between subsystems with minimal latency (<250ms per our design report).
In the google doc below (Starting from page 1 to page 8 ), I document some of the work I’ve done this week. With most of my work being on the actual github repo.
We want to verify that RPi/GPIO inputs are wired, and able to be processed on the RPi side. Furthermore, we want to test socket.IO connections, such that the submissions from the Web App are valid and processable by the RPi, via emits and listen, for specific signals, such as “break” or “resume”. I am currently able to verify timer functionality, as it properly ticks up, and when the duration is entered, the timer can start from 00:00:00, and stop when the goal duration is reached. To adapt this, we would want the DSI display to be able to enter a break or default home state depending on if the user pauses the timer, or decides to end a session early.
For validation, we would want to simulate a full study session for the user, and use feedback surveys to gauge how receptive students are about their studying when they use SBB versus without any interactive aid.
I am currently on track, once I finish the Web App to RPi communication, which I plan to work on, on Sunday. In terms of future goals, I want to set up the Rock Paper Scissors, so this would be adapting the current HTML/JS into a form where we can communicate button inputs to the RPi5, which can then send that information independently to either the DSI display to show sprites or the Web App to show game history.