This week, I focused on narrowing down the specifics of the Robot and the WebApp with my team. We wanted to have a clear idea of what exactly our robot will look like and what the WebApp would look like. We discussed in-depth on what our robot dimensions should be and came to the conclusion that the robot should be roughly 12-13 inches in height to account for eye level on a desk. Since the LCD display will be around 5 inches, the base will have a height of about 7 inches. We also discussed the feet dimensions, which came out to be 2.5 inches wide to account for the 3 rock paper scissors buttons and 1 inch in height to account for the buttons sticking out. Then, I lead the discussion around what the WebApp should look like, what pages we should have, and what each page should do. We decided on 4 main pages:
- a Home page displaying the most recent study sessions and todo lists,
- a Timer page that allows the user to set timers for tasks and a stopwatch to time how long they take to do tasks,
- a Focus Time/Study Session page where the study can start, pause, and end a study session, and view statistics/analyze their study sessions,
- a Rock-Paper-Scissors page, where the user can start a game with the robot.
Following our discussion, I have started working on the Timer page for our WebApp. I have finished the basic timer and stopwatch features, so now a user can start a timer, and they can start and stop a stopwatch. Attached is a screenshot of this. I also plan on adding a feature where the previous timer and stopwatch timings are recorded with tags the user can add to the previous activity.
According to the Gantt chart, I am on target.
In the next week, I’ll be working on:
- Completing the Timer Page
- Coding up the Focus Time/Study Session Page
- Fully finalizing a plan on how to integrate the robot with the WebApp