Team Status Report for 11/9

This week we made big strides towards the completion of our project. We incrementally combined the various components each of us had built into one unified system that operates as defined in our use case for 1 drum stick. Essentially, we have a system where when the drumstick hits a given pad, it triggers an impact event and plays the sound corresponding to that drum pad with very low latency. Note however that this is currently only implemented for 1 drum stick, and not both. That will be our coming week’s goal. The biggest risk we identified which we had not anticipated was how much variation in lighting affect the ability of the object tracking module to identify the red colored drum stick tip. By trying out different light intensities (no light, overhead beam light, phone lights, etc.) we determined that without consistent lighting the system would not operate. During our testing, every time the light changed, we would have to capture an image of the drum stick tip, find its corresponding HSV value, and update the filter in our code before actually trying the system out. If we are unable to find a way to provide consistent lighting given any amount of ambient lighting, this will severely impact how usable this project is. The current plan is to purchase two very bright clip on lamps that can be oriented and positioned to equally distribute light over all 4 drum rings. If this doesn’t work, our backup plan is to line each drum pad with LED strips so each has consistent light regardless of its position relative to the camera. The backup is less favorable because it would require that either batteries be attached to each drum pad, or that each drum pad must be close enough to an outlet to be plugged in, which deteriorates our portability and versatility goal defined in the use case.

The second risk we identified was the potential for packet interference when transmitting from two ESP32’s simultaneously. There is a chance that when we try and use two drumsticks, both transmitting accelerometer data simultaneously, the transmissions will interfere with one another resulting in packet loss. The backup plan for this is to switch to WIFI, but this would require serious overhead work to implement. Our hope is that since most of the time impacts from two drum sticks occur sequentially, the two shouldn’t interfere, but we’ll have to see what the actual operation is like this week to be sure.

The following are some basic changes to the design of DrumLite we made this week:
1.) We are no longer using rubber rings and instead using circular rubber pads. The reason for this is as follows. When we detect the drum pad’s locations and radii and use rings, there are two circles that could potentially bet detected: 1 being the outer circle and one being the inner circle. Since the ins no good way to tell the system which one to choose, we decided to switch to a drum pad instead where only 1 circle can ever be detected. Additionally, this also makes getting a threshold acceleration much easier since the surface being hit will now be uniform. This system works very well and the detection output is shown below:

2.) We decided to continually record the predicted drum ring which the drum stick is in throughout the playing session. This way, when an impact occurs, we don’t actually have to do any CV and can instead just perform the exponential weighting on the predicted drum rings to determine which pad was hit.

We are on schedule and hope to continue at this healthy pace throughout the rest of the semester. Below is an image of the whole setup so far: