Belle’s Status Report for 11/2

This week, I mainly focused on cleaning up the code that I wrote last week.

Essentially, its purpose is to make a location prediction for each frame from the camera/video feed (0-3 if in range of a corresponding drum, and -1 otherwise) and store it in-order in a buffer with a fixed capacity of 20. I demoed this portion of the code with the sample moving red dot video I made a couple of weeks ago, and it appeared to work fine, with minimal impact to the over frame-by-frame computer vision calculation latency (it remained at ~1.4ms). Given that the prediction function has a worst-case O(1) time (and space) complexity, this was expected.

However, the issue lies with the function that calculates the moving average of the buffer. 

As mentioned in my previous post, the drumstick tip location result for each frame is initially put into the buffer at index bufIndex, which is a global variable updated using the formula bufIndex = (bufIndex + 1) % bufSize, maintaining the circular aspect of the buffer. Then, the aforementioned function calculates the exponentially weighted moving average of the most recent 20 camera/video frames. 

However, during this calculation the buffer is still being modified continuously since it is a global variable, so the most recent frames could very likely change mid-function and potentially skew the result. Therefore, it would be best to protect this buffer somehow: using either mutexes or copying. Though using a lock/mutex is one of the more intuitive options, it would likely not work for our purposes. As previously mentioned, we still need to modify the buffer to keep it updated for other consecutive drum hits/accelerometer spikes, so we would not be able to do this while the moving average calculation function has the lock on the buffer. There is also the option of combining boolean variables and an external buffer such that we read and write to only one (respectively), depending on whether the moving average is being calculated or not. However, I feel as though this needlessly complicates the process, and it would be simpler to instead make a copy of the buffer inside of the function and read from it accordingly.

Since the computer vision code is somewhat finished, I believe we are on track. Next week, since we just got the camera, I hope to actual begin testing my code with the drumsticks and determine actual hsv color ranges to detect the drumstick tips.