Team Status Report for 10/26

This week, our team mainly focused on solidifying and integrating our code.

  • Currently, the most significant risks we are facing are persistent, concerning bluetooth and audio latency:

Currently, we are trying to determine a reliable estimate for the one-way bluetooth latency, which would help us massively in determining how much leeway we would have with other components (CV processing, audio generation, etc). This is being done by first sending data to the laptop using an update from the ESP, then sending an update back using a handler in the host code. The one-way latency would then be half of the timestamp taken from start to finish. However, this process is not as simple as it sounds in practice, as having a shared buffer accessed by the server/host and client introduces issues with latency and concurrency. This issue is being managed however, as we still have time blocked out in our Gantt chart to work on data transmission. In a worst-case scenario, we would have to rely on more direct/physical wiring rather than Bluetooth, but we believe this would not be necessary and just need a bit more time to adjust our approach.

Audio latency is also proving to be a slight issue, as we are having issues with overlapping sounds. In theory, it should be the case that each drumstick’s hit on a drum pad should generate a sound individually, rather than waiting for another sound to finish. However, we are currently experiencing the opposite issue, where drum sounds are waiting for another to finish, despite a thread being spawned for each. This situation, if not fixed, could introduce considerable amounts of latency into the response of our product. However, this is a relatively new issue, so we strongly believe that it can be fixed within a relatively short amount of time, if we at least all try to reason about its cause.

  • No changes were made to the existing design of our product. At the moment, we are mainly focused on trying to create solid implementations of each component in order to integrate & properly test them as soon as possible.
  • We have also not made any changes to our schedule, and are mostly on track.