Elliot’s Status Report for 10/26

My past week was spent working with the MPU6050 chips and cleaning up the Bluetooth module in preparation for integration with the system controller. My goals were to collect data from the 3-axis accelerometers and set up the client notifications to minimize latency. I first soldered the accelerometers and connected the serial clock, data, power, and GND wires, then used the Adafruit MPU6050 libraries to update the firmware. I used the getEvent function to return sensors_event_t data types and also utilized built-in macros to define configuration parameters such as the accelerometer output range, all of which I found from this resource. I packed the three axes of data to one characteristic, and unpacked the content from the server on the client side accordingly. I attached the accelerometer to the drumstick with the Y-axis parallel, and so I averaged the absolute measurements between the X and Z sensors to achieve a desirable output magnitude.

One of the issues I ran into last week was the persistence of the connection, in which the ESP disconnected from the client and was not able to reestablish. I fixed this by adjusting the callback functions to restart advertising automatically following any disconnection. Another potential concern was that I accessed the GATT characteristic by polling manually from the client side, which could add time to our final latency and block relevant processing. If we plan to play our final product at a moderate speed, asynchronous notifications will be required while we evaluate frames for previous hits. Developing the notify behavior brought up a problem, however, namely in the permissions of the BLE service. When I ran start_notify on my laptop, I observed a runtime error saying the attribute could not be written–I eventually realized it was because I had chosen standardized service and characteristic UUIDs with predetermined permission flags. By creating custom UUIDs, I was able to enable notify behavior manually as well as write directly to the characteristic from my laptop.

The write permission I described above is also relevant for the RTT testing I’m currently working on. My strategy is to notify the laptop using an update from the ESP, use a handler in the host code to send an update back, and derive the timestamp offset from start to finish. This, however, is taking longer than expected to achieve an accurate estimate, because having the client access the same buffer as the server introduces concurrency and extraneous latency factors.

I believe I’ve caught up in terms of progress, but I’m aware that the bulk of our team’s difficulty is still ahead in bringing down output delay once we have a functional system. My plan for this upcoming week is to:

  1. Establish a reliable measurement for the one-way latency of our Bluetooth
  2. Begin integrating BLE code with the other modules
  3. Work on the system controller to make more progress towards a testable solution