Team Status Report for 10/19

In the week prior to fall break and throughout the week of fall break our team continued to make good progress on our project. Having received the majority of the hardware components we ordered, we were able to start the preliminary work for flashing the esp32’s with the Arduino code necessary to relay the accelerometer data to our laptop. Additionally, we made progress in our understanding and implementation of the audio playback module, and implemented the final feature needed for the webapp: a trigger to start the ring detection protocol locally.

Currently, the issues that pose the greatest risk to our teams success are as follows:
1.) Difficulty in implementing the BLE data transmission from the drumsticks to the laptop. We know that writing robust code, flashing it onto the esp32’s, and processing the data in real time could pose numerous issues to us. First, implementing the code and flashing the esp32 is a non-trivial task. Elliot has some experience in the area, but having seen other groups attempting to do similar things and struggle, we know this to be a difficult task. Second, since the transmission delay may vary from packet to packet, issues could easily arise given a situation where a packet takes far longer to transmit than others. Currently our mitigation strategy involves determining an average latency through testing many times over various transmission distances. Once we have this average it should encompass the vast majority of expected delay times. If a transmission falls outside of this range, we plan on simply discarding the late packets and continuing as usual.

2.) Drumstick tip detection issues. While it seems that using the cv2 contours function alongside a color mask will suffice to identify the location of the tips of the drumsticks, their is a fair amount of variability in detection accuracy given available lighting. While we currently think applying a strong color mask will be enough to compensate for lighting variability, in the case that it isn’t we plan on adding a lighting fixture mounted alongside the camera on the camera stand to provide consistent lighting in every scenario.

3.) Audio playback latency. As mentioned in the previous report, audio playback can surprisingly introduce significant amounts of latency to the system (easily 50ms) when using standard libraries such as pyGame. We are now using the soundDevice library instead which seems to have brought latency down a bit. However the issue is not as simple as reducing sample buffer size as we have noticed through experimentation that certain sounds, even if the duration of the sounds don’t vary, require higher buffer sizes than others. This is a result of both the sampling frequency used and the overall length of the data in the sound file. Using soundDevice and by interacting directly with the windows WASAPI (windows sound driver) we believe c=we can cut latency down significantly, but if we can’t we plan on using an external Midi controller which facilitates almost instantaneous sound I/O. These controllers are designed for these exact types of applications and help circumnavigate the audio playback pipeline inherent in computers.

The design of our project has not changed aside from the fact that we are now trying to use (and testing with) the soundDevice library as opposed to pyAudio. However, if soundDevice proves insufficient, we will revert and try employing pyAudio with ASIO. We are still on track with our schedule.

Below are the answers to the thought questions for this week.
A was written by Ben Solo, B was written by Elliot Clark, and C was written by Belle Connaught

A.) One of DrumLite’s main appeals is that it is a cost effective alternative to standard electronic drum sets. As was mentioned in the introduction of our design report, a low end drum set can easily cost between $300 and $700 while a better one can go up to $2000. Globally, the cost of drum sets, whether acoustic or electronic, hinder people from partaking in playing the drums. DrumLite’s low cost (~$150) enables many more people to be able to play the drums without having to worry that the cost isn’t justifiable for an entertainment product.
Furthermore, DrumLite makes sharing drum sets infinitely easier. Previously sharing a drum set between countries was virtually impossible as you’d have to ship it back and fourth or buy identical drum sets in order to have the same experience. But with DrumLite, since you can upload any .wav files to the webapp and use these as your sounds, sharing a drum set is trivial. You can just send an email with four .wav attachments and the recipient can reconstruct the exact same drum set you had in minutes. DrumLite not only brings the cost of entry down, but encourages collaboration and the sharing of music on both a local and global scale.

B.) The design of this project integrates several cultural factors that enhance its accessibility, relevance, and impact across user groups. Music is a universal form of expression found in many cultures, making this project inherently inclusive by providing a platform for users to experience drumming without the need for expensive equipment. Given its highly configurable nature, the system can be programmed to replicate sounds from a variety of drums spanning various cultures, therefore enabling cross-cultural appreciation and learning. This project also holds educational potential, particularly in schools or music programs, where it could be used to teach students about different drumming traditions, encouraging cultural awareness and social interaction through drumming practices seen in other cultures. These considerations collectively make the drumlite set not only a technical convenience but also a culturally aware and inclusive platform.

C.) DrumLite addresses a need for sustainable, space-efficient, and low-impact musical instruments by leveraging technology to minimize material use and environmental footprint. Traditional drum sets require numerous physical components such as drum shells, cymbals, and hardware, which involve the extraction of natural resources, energy-intensive manufacturing processes, and significant shipping costs due to their size and weight. By contrast, our project replaces bulky equipment with lightweight, compact components—two drumsticks with embedded sensors, a laptop, and four small rubber pads—significantly reducing the raw materials required for production. This not only saves on manufacturing resources but also reduces transportation energy and packaging waste, making DrumLite more environmentally-friendly.
In terms of power consumption, the system is designed to operate efficiently with the use of low-power ESP32 microcontrollers and small sensors like the MPU-6050 accelerometers. These components require minimal energy compared to traditional electric drum sets or amplification equipment, reducing the device’s carbon footprint over its lifetime.
DrumLite contributes to a sustainable musical experience by reducing waste and energy consumption, all while maintaining the functionality and satisfaction of playing a traditional drum set in a portable, tech-enhanced format.