Belle’s Status Report for 10/5

This week, most of my time was taken up by a major deadline in another class, so my main task included working on the Design Trade Studies and Testing/Verification sections of our draft Design Report. I spent a couple of hours looking into key components of our project (such as the microcontroller, proposed Computer Vision implementation, and camera type), comparing and contrasting them against other potential candidates to ensure that our choices were optimal, and putting these differences into words.

I was also able to modify the CV dot detection code from last week to determine how long it takes to process one frame of the sample video input. This yielded a consistent processing time of ~1.3-1.5ms per frame, which allows us to determine how many frames can be processed once an accelerometer spike is read (while staying below our CV latency limit of 60ms).

Since our gantt chart still has us working on CV code this week, I believe the rest of the team and I are still on schedule. This coming week, I plan to finalize my parts of the design report and start trying to feed in real-time camera input to the current CV code – if one is delivered this week. If not, I would like to feed in accelerometer data to determine the minimum threshold of a “hit,” and start thinking about how to incorporate that into the code.