This week, I presented our final presentation and started finalizing our project to get ready for the demo. We finally started building our mechanical parts and decided the placements of each components, so I helped with laser cutting our acrylic platform and determining the placement of the hardware components that will go on our wood structure. The mount brackets for the servo motors also came, so we figured out how to mount that to our acrylic platform. Based on the measurements of the mechanical structure that we have, I edited some parts of the hardware script to adjust the numbers that works with the placement of the camera and the ultrasonic sensor. I plan to start testingĀ as soon as the mechanical build is finished, with a variety of real waste that we will use during the demo. In addition, I tried to fix the port issue when running the script in a loop, but because of lack of time I was unable to make much progress on this. But since our mechanical build is progressing faster than we expected, I expect to have much more time on finalizing the hardware scripts and hopefully fixing the port issue before the demo to be able to run and detect items continuously.