Most of my work this week was on getting the Jetson up and running. After getting a DisplayPort-HDMI adapter cable, I was able to connect the Jetson to my monitor to set up the system. I also had to update to the latest firmware and install Jetpack 6 (the SDK that powers Jetson modules), but that all went rather smoothly. Next I wanted to load YOLOv7 onto the Jetson to perform inference on sample images (retrieved from the internet), then incorporate the camera, but ran into issues installing the necessary dependencies while following the instructions from Ultralytics. I believe it may have to do with the PATH not being set properly, but I will have to look into it further. My plan for next week is to get that issue sorted, load YOLO onto the Jetson (with the standard weights), test to see that it works and gauge performance, and incorporate the camera. I have also partitioned the dataset into train/test/valid, but for now getting the Jetson working will take priority, as getting the Jetson working means I can use it to train the model. Progress seems to be on track, unless the Jetson issues take a lot more time than expected, but I plan to reach out to TAs for help if necessary.