This week I focused on our system tests as well as optimizing the system for our final demo. We noticed that there are performance issues when aligning the piano sheet music to the piano audio data that aren’t present with the singer data. I am working on improving the piano data parsing as currently I am just parsing one stave when there are two available along with modifying the alignment algorithm to use different weights for the piano. This should lead to increased performance with the piano data.
I have also been working on complete system integration. I have made changes to my subsystem so that it can be called with any file as before the data file names were hard coded into the script and had to be changed manually. This will make it so Mathias’ program can just run my python script and just pass it the absolute file paths.
For early next week I want to get the complete solution running on the Raspberry Pi and start doing tests with Mathias and Ben to ensure that the system is working for the final demo and iron out any kinks. I also will be working on the final post, final paper, and final video.