Ben’s Status Report 11/9/24

This week, I was not as productive as I would have liked do to factors outside of my control, however progress was made. As it stands, the audio processing component successfully takes in a basic audio file, and produces a correctly formatted, and correctly populated output. Seen below, the output is broken into three values per row in the form:

[midi value, start time (seconds), duration (seconds)]

This was generated after running a basic audio test file created by the midi output of this simple score:

It can be seen, however, there is some slight error in the process of determining exact duration as is expected. It can be seen that all notes started almost exactly 0.5 seconds after each other. Since the audio file was simply a uniform midi output, the duration of each note should be the exact same though the test yields some variance. Duration is a difficult value to accurately assess as it requires primitively determining the silence threshold, the point at which notes are considered not-playing or “silent.” In this case, the value is set at -40dB which is the standard value for the Aubio library and other recording standards.

All files have been added to the DSP folder in the group git linked here.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I am behind schedule due to external circumstances. With that being said, I have concentrated my efforts and am making back up that time but have accounted for delays by using up some of the slack planned out from the beginning of the project

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

The system is in the early stages of integration and will hopefully be able to run in a limited demo mode by the end of the week. This would look like running the system with a very basic score and midi audio.

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