Most of this week was spent working on the design report. I worked on the mostly on the web application/ sheet music scanning sub systems of the report as well as parts of the introduction and design considerations. The major thing that has changed since last report is the OMR I will be using, instead of Mozart I will be using Audiveris. The report details many of the design considerations between the two but as a summary of why, Audiveries not only contains a more robust output that gives duration as well as the position of each note in regard to the sheet music image. This also means the backend will change from a flask backend to a spring boot backend since the library is in Java.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
A bit behind since I will have to redo certain parts of the to have it be in spring boot instead of flask.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Backend with full ability to scan in sheet music as well as be start working on the ability to color in certain areas of an image for the post performance feedback.