This week I’ve mostly spent trying to polish the sheet music conversion. I had an issue last week where for many of sheet music files after splitting and passing through Mozart the final output would have no output. First step I made in debugging was changing realize that my resizing algorithm had a mistake. To split the sheet music by line I used the character that appears at the start of every measure. To handle the case that every image may not be the perfect size for the template I’m using I resize the image from a scale of .1x to 10x. In the previous implementation of the algorithm we only scaled from .1 to 1 due to a bug. Fixing this bug allowed for various size images to work however it did not fix the Mozart output. To address this I tried to split the sheet music image based on the squiggly character at the beginning of each measure and pass that result into Mozart however that didn’t work as well. The last thing I tried was to resize and sharpen the final image result to a similar size to the one that worked however this approach did not work as well. Due to this I spent some extra time this week lightly checking solutions outside of Mozart as well.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
Progress is on schedule so far.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Most of the time next week will be spent on the design report. Outside of that I’ll spend more time trying to get Mozart to work and if that fails look into a different solution.