Alena’s Status Report for 11/16

This week I finalized the voice command algorithm including adding support for getting and posting requests and interfacing with Kayla’s web app code to send ingredients lists and receive recipes, refactored my original design to take better care of extraneous voice inputs by using a switch statement, and added a lot of extra functionality for the recipe process. I gave the user a lot more leeway into different choices they can make throughout the cooking process. In terms of hardware, I set up the Raspberry Pi 5 and installed all of the required libraries for the voice commands and the microphone. Then I was able to successfully run the voice command algorithm with the Pico microphone that I configured, and the entire system works as expected. Integration with Kayla is essentially finished.

I spent a lot of the first half of the week trying to figure out how to make the mic wireless, but I ran into countless issues figuring out how the lwip (lightweight tcp/ip protocol) on the pico W would work for sockets/sending and receiving information. Eventually I decided that I would spend time this coming week + over break to figure that out, and if not then take an approach with BLE (bluetooth). Also, Michelle and I are running into issues with our integration because we used different platforms for our picos (micropython and C/C++), so we are going to have to work on that as well. But otherwise, progress is pretty on track.

My next steps are to integrate the pyttsx3 responses into speaker output, integrate my code with Michelle’s, and figure out how to make the mic wireless.

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