Zhixi’s Status Report for 11/16/2024

Personal Accomplishment

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

  1. Accelerometer testing (4 hrs): I spent time working together with my partners testing the accelerometer. While this was originally not my work, I helped out as there was some issue. We initially decided to use the spidev library from python to setup the accelerometer. However, the readings are sometimes all zeros or sometimes of the same value for all three directions. The values are also extremely large which is clearly not related to gravity. Therefore, we decided to switch to C code using libraries in C, and everything worked well. Therefore, we might need to do more work on putting things together since all of our other code is in python. We need to precompile the C code first and using subprocess to link to python if the python library for SPI still does not work.
  2. Radar tuning (4 hrs): I spent time fine tuning the radar together with my partner. We basically had one person holding the radar, looking at the radar reading, and listening to the audio output. The rest two people pretended to be people walking in front of the radar to simulate different situations and see if the detection was accurate and met our use case requirements.
  3. Button setup (1 hr): I set up the button (solder the button with wire) for cancelling resolved fall alerts. We bought new buttons that are bigger and more user friendly to press on. I connected it to the RPi4 using GPIO ports with internal pull up resistors. I also set up the code for cancelling false alerts with button debouncing and verified that it could properly cancel the alerts locally.
  4. Prepare for demo next week (3 hrs): I spent time discussing and making slides for the demo next week. We specified what can be demoed and who to demo which part since our work somehow overlapped most of the time.



Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

This week, I am on schedule. I helped out on testing for radar since often times the testing  need multiple people working together.

Upcoming Deliverables

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

  1. Fine-tuning for radar in real-world scenario.
  2. Help teammates test other systems if needed.

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