This week saw the conclusion of the design review presentations and reviews, and I’m happy with how our project is shaping up. Alongside the completion of the design review presentation, I created our team’s Bill of Materials in a Google Sheet, and populated my page with the materials required for the XY robot. I put in an order form for the majority of the materials, and will look into 3D printing parts to house the robot provided in the Autodesk Instructable guide.
As I become more familiar with the design, the more I expect that having the KRIA take the place of the Arduino may prove difficult. In this case, UART would be a good communication protocol between the two devices–we’d only actually need to send the landing coordinates to the Arduino to handle motor controls. In other words, just one piece of data.
This next week, I hope to have the materials arrive and begin construction of the actual robot. I’ll need to do a bit of 3D printing, but the models are already available for download so this shouldn’t take long. Additionally, I’ll be working on helping to complete the design review report, due October 11th.