Jolie’s Status Report for 11/23-11/30

These past couple weeks, Denis and I put a lot of work into the user interface with the individual touch displays. It took some trial and error with the driver to get the desktop of out RPi 0s to show up on the lcd display (which was quite frustrating) but we ultimately got the desktop to show. The touch portion was touch and go (no pun intended) for a while where it would randomly work or not work on boot. We think we found the problem with a race condition on boot up that would sometimes permit the touch functionality and sometimes  not. Denis and I laser cut a box for the battery pack and buck converter to fit in. The display then rests on top of the box for a clean wireless look.

I made the front end of the user facing app user tkinter graphics where I made a keyboard, tile display box, player scores, “check”, “submit”, and “hint” buttons, and then ultimately a page for hint results. This will be how players interact with our system.

For this upcoming week, we really need to finish integration, mostly of the cv with the rest of the system. I think we are in a good place to have everything done by the demo.

It’s safe to say I gained a lot of new skills throughout my Capstone experience this semester. First off, I was able to write the hint generation algorithm from help from the article I spent many hours rereading this to understand how the backtracking algorithm worked and researched more into the ins and out of the directed acyclic word graph. Furthermore, I had no prior experience with tkinter graphics so I read specs and watched videos on how to make a simple app and then expanded on it from there.  Finally, when debugging the issues we were having with the RPi 0s, I read many posts from Raspberry Pi Forums from people who were having similar issues to us. Often times, it would take many iterations of Forums to find a possible fix, which gave me good experience of dealing with this type of hardware.

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