Jolie’s Status Report for 11/16

This past week I wrote and debugged functions for validating a new board and calculating the score for that new move. The check_board function takes in the board with the possible new word placed in it and a list of the squares that tiles were just placed (should be in order left to right or up to down). The function find the new board made, looks it up in the dawg (much quicker look up time than a simple linear search in the dictionary). If it’s not in the dawg, the function returns a tuple of (False, 0), meaning it’s not a valid word and scores 0 points. If it is a word, the new board, start and end position of the word, and tiles added are passed into the calculate_score function I wrote which only includes the score and letter multipliers for tiles that are newly placed (accoding to official Scrabble rules). The total score for the new word is updated in check_board. If the placed word is horizontal, the function goes through each letter and does word validation and score updating on the new word made vertically if there is one, and vice versa for a vertical main word.

Denis has been able to refactor my hint logic and put it on the Pi for communication with the Pi 0s. This will be used for our demo next week.

I completed my tasks on time so far, and in the coming weeks, I will pick up some integration tasks in terms of interfacing with the LCD displays and interfacing the output of Cody’s cv with the input of the check_board function.


For the scoring, I ran tests where I placed different words (horizontal and vertical) on the board (2D list) and verified that the computed score was correct. I also varied the “tiled_added” list so make sure that letter and word multipliers weren’t added to already filled in squares. I did a similar practice with the check_board function.

For the hints algorithm, I used a unit testing approach where I tested each function on it’s own before testing the whole hint generation since it is a complex algorithm. Timing wise, the hint generation takes about 0.05 seconds on my computer. On the Pi, processes seem to run 8 times slower, but this is still well within our time allotted of 1.4 seconds (design requirement).

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