Denis’s Status Report for 11/9

This week I began working with the main RPI4 board, and having that work as the main communication hub. I set up the RPI 0s to send messages to the hub and the RPI4 to process these and send back messages. For all MQTT communication we will use a format similar to this, sending arrays between the devices.

  • Index 0: Sender ID
  • Index 1: Receiver ID
  • Index 2: Task ID
  • Index 3-end: Data

As an example, sending a tile rack from device 1 to the main device could look like this:


As a final thing to do this week, I added the hint logic and began running that off of the main pi, sending a tile rack from the RPI0 to the main board, counting all the possible words and sending back one of the words for now.

For next week, I’m hoping to begin working on the portable powering and the touchscreens. I feel pretty on schedule, but I’m worried I could fall behind at any point.

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