This week, I continued to help with gathering images to test and train our ML models. I went to TechSpark and gathered about 400 total images of presentation slides being displayed on a large monitor. These slides had differently formatted slide numbers at the bottom right, and testing with these images helped us determine which format would be best for our slide matching model. I also added clips onto the side of our component case so that it can now attach to the side of glasses. However, in the middle of the week I tested positive for COVID, and I was unable to work for multiple days due to my sickness.
Similarly to last week, since our team’s progress is behind schedule, so is mine. Since we have not finished integration, I still have to place our code on our Jetson, and the plan is currently to do so on Sunday once integration is finalized. As a team, we must complete integration before the demo on Monday. Furthermore, we must complete user testing of our system either before or during the demo on Monday. After this, what remains is completing the final deliverables for our project.