Jong Woo’s Status Report for 11/12/2022
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours):
The former half of this week was dedicated to the preparation and execution of the interim demo as well as further debugging and parameter tweaking of issues being acknowledged. More specifically, I am relying on openCV’s “cv.2connectedComponentsWithStats()” function that outputs various statistical values in regards to the original image inputted, including the left, top coordinates as well as the width, height, and area of the most commonly appearing object (braille dots in our case). However, depending on the lighting or the image quality of the original image taken, the accuracy of this stats function needs to be further tested in order to modify further modifications. Therefore, I cam currently undergoing pixel by pixel comparison between the original image and the printed matrices containing information regarding (x,y) coordinates of the common objects (braille dots) as well as their corresponding width and heights, in an attempt to understand the current accuracy level and for further modifications that would be required for accurate acquisition of core numbers. Furthermore, I am currently working on the cv’s non_max_suppression() function to mitigate some of the inaccuracies that can rise from the initial “connectedComponentsWithStats().”
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?:
There has been a little bit of an unexpected delay due to my health condition after my covid 4th booster shot, but on a general level progress is on schedule, and the upcoming week will be primarily focused on specific tweaking of the cv’s “connectedComponentsWithStats()” function and “non_max_suppression()” function’s parameters.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?:
Through the comparison between the pixel by pixel image and the printed matrices from “connectedComponentsWithStats()” function, I wish to gain a accuracy table of the current parameters in order to better tweak to get the accurate (x,y) coordinates of the centers of each braille dots, as well as the corresponding width and height. The accuracy of these value are critical for the last, and last, step of pre-processing; cropping via numpy slicing.