What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).
This week was spent building off of the previous demo’s feedback, and a helpful meeting with the professor on Wednesday. Several things were made clear. The importance of testing and actually having quantitative metrics to back up our decisions in design. This means having tests run on pieces of software to physically demonstrate why something is better than something else. In terms of the post-processing section, this would include quantifying the text that I already have, as well as testing out large paragraphs of errors of different sorts. This also comes with the addition of the confidence matrix that will be provided by kevin now.
One of the main elements of progress from this week was creating an algorithm that could take in Kevin’s confidence matrix dictionary and properly adjust the current algorithm to run more optimally. This means checking different iterations of words through the classification pipeline and checking based on the determined accuracy of the ML algorithm. This would give us the opportunity to greatly increase the current run time of checking every letter with every character in the word. It would only check characters either below a certain accuracy threshold, or within a percentage of the total letters so that we only have to check 10 possible characters for each classification character given to me. Theoretically, based on our model of 85-90% accuracy from classification, it would provide meaningful error correction as a surplus to the classification, bringing us to a theoretical 90+%.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
We are currently still on track for the final product. We are hoping to get the full hardware integration as we want soon so that we can focus on developing the software to our liking.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
I would like to start integrating the speaker/headphones to the Nano to make sure there are no difficulties transferring audio at runtime. I think it is also important in general that we focus more effort on getting software and functionality on the Nano as that will be harder to tweak if there are errors. Overall, continuing polishing the spell checking algorithm and audio processing as we get integrated with the hardware.