~~NOTOC~~ ====== Homework ====== ===== Homework 0: Student Information (Due: 1/16) ===== * [[https://milkshark.ics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/25/assessments/12 | Autolab]] * {{hw0.pdf | HW0 handout}} ===== Homework 1: ISA (Due: 1/28) ===== * [[https://milkshark.ics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/25/assessments/37 | Autolab]] * {{hw1.pdf | HW1 handout}} * {{hw1_sol_s15.pdf | HW1 solution}} * [[http://users.ece.cmu.edu/~kevincha/447/reviews_patt_447.txt | Good example reviews on Patt's papers]] * [[http://users.ece.cmu.edu/~kevincha/447/reviews_memory_447.txt | Good example reviews on memory papers]] ===== Homework 2: ISA Tradeoffs, Microprogramming and Pipelining (Due: 2/11) ===== * [[https://milkshark.ics.cs.cmu.edu/courses/25/assessments/214 | Autolab]] * {{microcode.csv|Microcode}} * {{hw2.pdf | HW2 handout}} * {{hw2_solution.pdf | HW2 solution}} ===== Homework 3: Branch Prediction, Out-of-order Execution, and GPU (Due: 2/25) ===== * [[https://autolab.cs.cmu.edu/courses/25/assessments/294 | Autolab]] * {{hw3.pdf | HW3 handout}} * {{hw3_sol_s15.pdf | HW3 solution}} ===== Homework 3.1: Feedback Form (Due: 2/23) ===== * {{feedback.pdf | Feedback (PDF) -- Due to bugs in Preview (Mac OSX), please use a different editor to view the form correctly.}} ===== Homework 4: SIMD, VLIW, Static Scheduling, Caching, Virtual Memory (Due: 3/18) ===== * [[https://autolab.cs.cmu.edu/courses/25/assessments/376|Autolab]] * {{hw4_s15.pdf | HW4 handout}} * {{hw4_s15_sol.pdf | HW4 solution}} ===== Homework 5: Virtual Memory and Main Memory (Due: 3/23) ===== * [[https://autolab.cs.cmu.edu/courses/25/assessments/503|Autolab]] * {{hw5.pdf | HW5 handout}} * {{hw5_sol.pdf | HW5 solution}} * {{hw5_dist.pdf | Grade distribution}} ===== Homework 6: Main Memory, Latency Tolerance, Prefetching and Runahead Execution (Due: 4/10) ===== * [[https://autolab.cs.cmu.edu/courses/18447-s15/assessments/hw6|Autolab]] * {{hw6.pdf | HW6 handout}} * {{hw6_sol.pdf | HW6 solution}} * {{hw6_dist.pdf | Grade distribution}} ===== Homework 7: Coherence, Consistency, Multiprocessors and Interconnect (Due: 4/29) ===== * [[https://autolab.cs.cmu.edu/courses/18447-s15/assessments/hw7|Autolab]] * {{hw7.pdf | HW7 handout}} * {{hw7_sol.pdf | HW7 solution}}