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buzzword [2014/04/07 18:17]
buzzword [2014/12/11 00:09] external edit
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           * AVD prediction           * AVD prediction
   ​   ​
 +===== Lecture 28 (4/9 Wed.) =====
 +  * Questions regarding prefetching
 +    * What to prefetch
 +    * When to prefetch
 +    * how do we prefetch
 +    * where to prefetch from
 +  * Prefetching can cause thrasing (evict a useful block)
 +  * Prefetching can also be useless (not being used)
 +    * Need to be efficient
 +  * Can cause memory bandwidth problem in GPU
 +  * Prefetch the whole block, more than one block, or subblock?
 +    * Each one of them has pros and cons
 +    * Big prefetch is more likely to waste bandwidth
 +    * Commonly done in a cache block granularity
 +  * Prefetch accuracy: fraction of useful prefetches out of all the prefetches
 +  * Prefetcher usually predict based on
 +    * Past knowledge
 +    * Compiler hints
 +  * Prefetcher has to prefetch at the right time
 +    * Prefetch that is too early might get evicted
 +      * It might also evict other useful data
 +    * Prefetch too late does not hide the whole memory latency
 +  * Previous prefetches at the same PC can be used as the history
 +  * Previous demand requests also is a good information to use for prefetches
 +  * Prefetch buffer
 +    * Place the prefetch data to avoid thrashing
 +      * Can treat demand/​prefetch requests separately
 +      * More complex
 +  * Generally, demand block is more important
 +    * This means eviction should prefer prefetch block as oppose to demand block
 +  * Tradeoffs between where do we place the prefetcher
 +    * Look at L1 hits and misses
 +    * Look at L1 misses only
 +    * Look at L2 misses
 +    * Different access pattern affect accuracy
 +      * Tradeoffs between handling more requests (seeing L1 hits and misses) and less visibility (only see L2 miss)
 +  * Software vs. hardware vs. execution based prefetching
 +    * Software: ISA previde prefetch instructions,​ software utilize it
 +      * What information are useful
 +      * How to make sure the prefetch is timely
 +      * What if you have a pointer based structure
 +        * Not easy to prefetch pointer chasing (because in many case the work between prefetches is short, so you cannot predict the next one timely enough)
 +          * Can be solved by hinting the nextnext and/or nextnextnext address
 +    * Hardware: Identify the pattern and prefetch
 +    * Execution driven: Oppotunistically try to prefetch (runahead, dual-core execution)
 +  * Stride prefetcher
 +    * Predict strides, which is common in many programs
 +    * Cache block based or instruction based
 +  * Stream buffer design
 +    * Buffer the stream of accesses (next address) ​
 +    * Use the information to prefetch
 +  * What affect prefetcher performance
 +    * Prefetch distance
 +      * How far ahead should we prefetch
 +    * Prefetch degree
 +      * How many prefetches do we prefetch
 +  * Prefetcher performance
 +    * Coverage
 +      * Out of the demand requests, how many are actually from the prefetch request
 +    * Accuracy
 +      * Out of all the prefetch requests, how many are actually getting used
 +    * Timeliness
 +      * How much memory latency can we hide from the prefetch requests
 +  * Feedback directed prefetcher
 +    * Use the result of the prefetcher as a feedback to the prefetcher
 +      * with accuracy, timeliness, polluting information
 +  * Markov prefetcher
 +    * Prefetch based on the previous history
 +    * Use markov model to predict
 +    * Pros: Can cover arbitary pattern (easy for link list traversal or trees)
 +    * Downside: High cost, cannot help with compulsory misses (no history)
 +  * Content directed prefetching
 +    * Indentify the content in memory for pointers (which is used as the address to prefetch
 +    * Not very efficient (hard to figure out which block is the pointer)
 +      * Software can give hints
     ​     ​
 +===== Lecture 28 (4/14 Mon.) =====
 +  * Execution based prefetcher
 +    * Helper thread/​speculative thread
 +      * Use another thread to pre-execute a program
 +    * Can be a software based or hardware based
 +    * Discover misses before the main program (to prefetch data in a timely manner)
 +    * How do you construct the helper thread
 +    * Preexecute instruction (one example of how to initialize a speculative thread), slide 9
 +  * Benefit of multiprocessor
 +    * Improve performace without not significantly increase power consumption
 +    * Better cost efficiency and easier to scale
 +    * Improve dependability (in case the other core is faulty
 +  * Different types of parallelism
 +    * Instruction level parallelism
 +    * Data level parallelism
 +    * Task level parallelism
 +  * Task level parallelism
 +    * Partition a single, potentially big, task into multiple parallel sub-task
 +      * Can be done explicitly (parallel programming by the programmer)
 +      * Or implicitly (hardware partition a single thread specilatively)
 +    * Or, run multiple independent tasks (still improve throughput, but the speedup of any single tasks are not better, also simpler to implement)
 +  * Loosely coupled multiprocessor
 +    * No shared global address space
 +      * Message passing to communicate between different sources
 +    * Simple to manage memory
 +  * Tightly coupled multiprocesor
 +    * Shared global address space
 +    * Need to ensure consistency of data
 +  * Switch on event multithreading
 +    * Switch to another context when there is an event (for example, a cache miss)
 +  * Simulteneous multithreading
 +    * Dispatch instruction from multiple threads at the same time
 +  * Amdahl'​s law
 +    * Maximum speedup
 +    * Parallel portion is not perfect
 +      * Serial bottleneck
 +      * Synchronization cost
 +      * Load balance
 +        * Some threads has more work, requires more time to hit the sync. point
 +  * Issue in parallel programming
 +    * Correctness
 +    * Synchronization
 +    * Consistency
 +    ​
 +===== Lecture 29 (4/16 Wed.) =====
 +        ​
 +  * Ordering of instructions
 +    * Maintaining memory consistency when there are multiple threads and shared memory
 +    * Need to ensure the semantic is not changed
 +    * Making sire the shared data is properly locked when used
 +      * Support mutual exclusion
 +    * Ordering depends on when each processor is executed
 +    * Debugging is also difficult (non-deterministic behavior)
 +  * Weak consistency:​ global ordering when sync
 +    * programmer hints where the synchronizations are
 +  * Total store order model: global ordering only with store
 +  * Cache coherence
 +    * Can be done in the software level or hardware level
 +  * Coherence protocol
 +    * Need to ensure that all the processors see and update the correct state of the cache block
 +    * Need to make sure that writes get propagated and serialized
 +    * Simple protocol are not scalable (one point of synchrnization)
 +  * Update vs. invalidate
 +    * For invalidate, only the core that needs to read retains the correct copy
 +      * Can lead to ping-ponging (tons of read/writes from several processors)
 +    * For updates, bus becomes the bottleneck
 +  * Snoopy bus 
 +    * Bus based, single point of serialization
 +    * More efficient with small number of processors
 +    * All cache snoop other caches read/write requests to keep the cache block coherent
 +  * Directory based
 +    * Single point of serialization per block
 +    * Directory coordinate the coherency
 +    * More scalable
 +    * The directory keeps track of where the copies of each block resides
 +      * Supply data on a read
 +      * Invalide the block on a write
 +      * Has an exclusive state
 +  * MSI coherent protocol
 +    * Slide number 56-57
 +    * Consume bus bandwidth (need an "​exclusive"​ state
 +  * MESI coherent protocal
 +    * Add the exclusive state: this is the only cache copy and it is clean state to MSI
 +  * Tradeoffs between snooping and directory based
 +    * Slide 71 has a good summary on this
 +  * MOESI
 +    * Improvement over MESI protocol
 +    ​
 +===== Lecture 29 (4/18 Wed.) =====    ​
 +  * Interference
 +  * Complexity of the memory scheduler
 +    * Ranking/​prioritization has cost
 +    * Complex scheduler has higher latency
 +  * Performance metric for multicore/​multithead applications
 +    * Speedup
 +    * Slowdown
 +    * Harmonic vs wrighted
 +  * Fairness mertic
 +    * Maximum slowdown
 +      * Why does it make sense
 +      * Any scenario that it does not make sense?
 +  * Predictable performance
 +    * Why is it important?
 +      * In server environment,​ different jobs are on the same server
 +      * In a mobile environment,​ there are multiple sources that can slowdown other sources
 +    * How to relate slowdown with request service rate
 +    * MISE: soft slowdown guarantee
 +  * BDI
 +    * Memory wall
 +      * What is the concern regarding the memory wall
 +    * Size of the cache on the die (CPU die)
 +    * One possible solution: cache compression
 +      * What is the problems of existing cache compression mechanism
 +        * Some are too complex
 +        * Decompression is in the critical path
 +          * Need to decompress when reading the data -> decompression should not be in the critical path
 +          * Important factor to the performance
 +    * Software compression is not good enough to compress everything
 +    * Zero value compression
 +      * Simple
 +      * Good compression ratio
 +      * What is data does not have many zeroes
 +    * Frequent value compression
 +      * Some data appear fequently
 +      * Simple and good compression ratio
 +      * have to profile
 +      * decompression is complex
 +    * Frequent pattern compression
 +      * Still to complex in terms of decompression
 +    * Based delta compression
 +      * Easy to decompress but retain the benefit of compression
 +      ​
 +    ​
 +===== Lecture 31 (4/28 Mon.) =====  ​
 +  * Directory based cache coherent
 +    * Each directory has to handle validate/​invalidation
 +    * Extra cost of syncronization
 +    * Need to ensure race conditions are resolved
 +  * Interconnection
 +    * Topology
 +      * Bus
 +      * Mesh
 +        * Torus
 +      * Tree
 +      * Butterfly
 +      * Ring
 +        * Bi-directional ring
 +          * More scalable
 +        * Hierarchical ring
 +          * Even more scalable
 +          * More complex
 +      * Crossbar
 +      * etc.
 +    * Circuit switching
 +    * Multistage network
 +      * Butterfly
 +      * Delta network
 +    * Handling contention
 +      * Buffering vs. dropping/​deflection (no buffering)
 +    * Routing algorithm
 +      * Handling deadlock
 +      * X-Y routing
 +        * Turn model (to avoid deadlocks)
 +      * Add more buffering for an escape path
 +      * Oblivious routing
 +        * Can take different path
 +          * DOR between each intermediate location
 +        * Balance network load
 +      * Adaptive routing
 +        * Use the state of the network to determine the route
 +          * Aware of local and/or global congestions
 +        * Non minimal adaptive routing can have livelocks
 +===== Lecture 32 (4/30 Wed.) =====  ​
 +  * Serialized code section
 +    * Degrade performance
 +    * Waste energy
 +  * Heterogeneous cores
 +    * Can execute serialized portion on a powerful large core
 +  * Tradeoff between multiple small cores, multiple large cores or heterogenerous cores
 +  * Critical section
 +    * bottleneck in several multithreaded workloads
 +    * Assymmetry can help
 +    * Accelerated critical section
 +      * Use a large core to run serialized portion of the code
 +      * How to correctly support ACS
 +      * False serialization
 +      * Handling private/​shared data
 +    * BIS
 +      * Ideltify the bottleneck
 +        * Serial bottleneck
 +        * Barrier
 +        * Critical section
 +        * Pipeline stages
 +      * Application might wait on different types of bottlenecks
 +      * Allow bottleneckcall and bottleneckreturn
 +      * Acceleration can be done in multiple ways
 +        * ship to a big core
 +        * increase the frequency
 +        * Priorize the thread in share resources (memory scheduler always schedule reqeusts from the thread first, etc.)
 +      * Bottleneck table keeps track of different thread'​s bottleneck and determine the criticality
 +    ​
 +===== Lecture 33 (5/2 Fri.) =====     
 +  * DRAM scaling problem
 +  * Possible solutions to the scaling problem
 +    * Less leakage DRAM
 +    * Heterogeneous DRAM (TL-DRAM, etc.)
 +    * Add more functionality to DRAM
 +    * Denser design (3D stack)
 +    * Different technology
 +      * NVM
 +  * Non volatile memory
 +    * Resistive memory
 +      * PCM
 +        * Inject current to change the phase
 +        * Scales better than DRAM
 +          * Multiple bits per cell
 +            * Wider resistence range
 +        * No refresh is needed
 +        * Downside: Latency and write endurance
 +      * STT-MRAM
 +        * Inject current to change the polarity
 +      * Memristor
 +        * Inject current to change the structure
 +    * Persistency - data stay there even without power
 +      * Unified memory and storage management (persistent data structure) - Single level store
 +        * Improve energy and performance
 +        * Simplify programming model
buzzword.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/04/27 18:20 by rachata