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buzzword [2014/02/26 19:18]
buzzword [2014/03/31 18:16]
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     * Develop for image processing (for example, convolution)     * Develop for image processing (for example, convolution)
   * Stage processing   * Stage processing
 +===== Lecture 18 (2/28 Fri.) =====
 +  * Tradeoffs of VLIW
 +    * Why does VLIW required static instruction scheduling
 +    * Whose job it is?
 +      * Compiler can rearrange basic blocks/​instruction
 +  * Basic block
 +    * Benefits of having large basic block
 +  * Entry/Exit
 +    * Handling entries/​exits
 +  * Trace cache
 +    * How to ensure correctness?​
 +    * Profiling
 +    * Fixing up the instruction order to ensure correctness
 +    * Dealing with multiple entries into the block
 +    * Dealing with multiple exits into the block
 +  * Super block
 +    * How to form super blocks?
 +    * Benefit of super block
 +    * Tradeoff between not forming a super block and forming a super block
 +      * Ambiguous branch (after profiling, both taken/not taken are equally likely)
 +      * Cleaning up 
 +  * What scenario would make trace cache/​superblock/​profiling less effective?
 +  * List scheduling
 +    * Help figuring out which instructions VLIW should fetch
 +    * Try to maximize instruction throughput
 +    * How to assign priorities
 +    * What if some instructions take longer than others
 +  * Block structured ISA (BS-ISA)
 +    * Problems with trace scheduling?
 +    * What type of program will benefit from BS-ISA
 +    * How to form blocks in BS-ISA?
 +      * Combining basic blocks
 +      * multiples of merged basic blocks
 +    * How to deal with entries/​exits in BS-ISA?
 +      * undo the executed instructions from the entry point, then fetch the new block
 +    * Advantages over trace cache
 +  * Benefit of VLIW + Static instruction scheduling
 +  * Intel IA-64
 +    * Static instruction scheduling and VLIW
 +===== Lecture 19 (3/19 Wed.) =====
 +  * Ideal cache
 +    * More capacity
 +    * Fast
 +    * Cheap
 +    * High bandwidth
 +  * DRAM cell
 +    * Cheap
 +    * Sense the purturbation through sense amplifier
 +    * Slow and leaky
 +  * SRAM cell (Cross coupled inverter)
 +    * Expensice
 +    * Fast (easier to sense the value in the cell)
 +  * Memory bank
 +    * Read access sequence
 +      * DRAM: Activate -> Read -> Precharge (if needed)
 +    * What dominate the access laatency for DRAM and SRAM
 +  * Scaling issue
 +    * Hard to scale the scale to be small
 +  * Memory hierarchy
 +    * Prefetching
 +    * Caching
 +  * Spatial and temporal locality
 +    * Cache can exploit these
 +    * Recently used data is likely to be accessed
 +    * Nearby data is likely to be accessed
 +  * Caching in a pipeline design
 +  * Cache management
 +    * Manual
 +      * Data movement is managed manually
 +        * Embedded processor
 +        * GPU scratchpad
 +    * Automatic
 +      * HW manage data movements
 +  * Latency analysis
 +    * Based on the hit and miss status, next level access time (if miss), and the current level access time
 +  * Cache basics
 +    * Set/block (line)/​Placement/​replacement/​direct mapped vs. associative cache/etc.
 +  * Cache access
 +    * How to access tag and data (in parallel vs serially)
 +    * How do tag and index get used?
 +    * Modern processors perform serial access for higher level cache (L3 for example) to save power
 +  * Cost and benefit of having more associativity
 +    * Given the associativity,​ which block should be replace if it is full
 +    * Replacement poligy
 +      * Random
 +      * Least recently used (LRU)
 +      * Least frequently used
 +      * Least costly to refetch
 +      * etc.
 +  * How to implement LRU
 +    * How to keep track of access ordering
 +      * Complexity increases rapidly
 +    * Approximate LRU
 +      * Victim and next Victim policy
 +===== Lecture 20 (3/21 Fri.) =====
 +  * Set thrashing
 +    * Working set is bigger than the associativity
 +  * Belady'​s OPT
 +    * Is this optimal?
 +    * Complexity?
 +  * Similarity between cache and page table
 +    * Number of blocks vs pages
 +    * Time to find the block/page to replace
 +  * Handling writes
 +    * Write through
 +      * Need a modified bit to make sure accesses to data got the updated data
 +    * Write back
 +      * Simpler, no consistency issues
 +  * Sectored cache
 +    * Use subblock
 +      * lower bandwidth
 +      * more complex
 +  * Instruction vs data cache
 +    * Where to place instructions
 +      * Unified vs. separated
 +    * In the first level cache
 +  * Cache access
 +    * First level access ​
 +    * Second level access
 +      * When to start the second level access
 +        * Performance vs. energy
 +  * Address translation
 +  * Homonym and Synonyms
 +    * Homonym: Same VA but maps to different PA
 +      * With multiple processes
 +    * Synonyms: Multiple VAs map to the same PA
 +      * Shared libraries, shared data, copy-on-write
 +      * I/O
 +    * Can these create problems when we have the cache
 +    * How to eliminate these problems?
 +      * Page coloring
 +  * Interaction between cache and TLB
 +    * Virtually indexed vs. physically indexed
 +    * Virtually tagged vs. physically tagged
 +    * Virtually indexed physically tagged
 +  * Virtual memory in DRAM
 +    * Control where data is mapped to in channel/​rank/​bank
 +      * More parallelism
 +      * Reduce interference
 +===== Lecture 21 (3/24 Mon.) =====
 +  * Different parameters that affect cache miss
 +  * Thrashing
 +  * Different types of cache misses
 +    * Compulsory misses
 +      * Can mitigate with prefetches
 +    * Capacity misses
 +      * More assoc
 +      * Victim cache
 +    * Conflict misses
 +      * Hashing
 +  * Large block vs. small block
 +  * Subblocks
 +  * Victim cache
 +    * Small, but fully assoc. cache behind the actual cache
 +    * Cached misses cache block
 +    * Prevent ping-ponging
 +  * Pseudo associativity
 +    * Simpler way to implement associative cache
 +  * Skewed assoc. cache
 +    * Different hashing functions for each way
 +  * Restructure data access pattern
 +    * Order of loop traversal
 +    * Blocking
 +  * Memory level parallelism
 +    * Cost per miss of a parallel cache miss is less costly compared to serial misses
 +  * MSHR
 +    * Keep track of pending cache
 +      * Think of this as the load/store buffer-ish for cache
 +    * What information goes into the MSHR?
 +    * When do you access the MSHR?
 +===== Lecture 22 (3/26 Wed.) =====
 +  * Multi-porting
 +    * Virtual multi-porting
 +      * Time-share the port, not too scalable but cheap
 +    * True multiporting
 +  * Multiple cache copies
 +  * Banking
 +    * Can have bank conflict
 +    * Extra interconnects across banks
 +    * Address mapping can mitigate bank conflict
 +    * Common in main memory (note that regFile in GPU is also banked, but mainly for the pupose of reducing complexity)
 +  * Accessing DRAM
 +    * Row bits
 +    * Column bits
 +    * Addressibility
 +    * DRAM has its own clock
 +  * DRAM (2T) vs. SRAM (6T)
 +    * Cost
 +    * Latency
 +  * Interleaving in DRAM
 +    * Effects from address mapping on memory interleaving
 +    * Effects from memory access patterns from the program on interleaving
 +  * DRAM Bank
 +    * To minimize the cost of interleaving (Shared the data bus and the command bus)
 +  * DRAM Rank
 +    * Minimize the cost of the chip (a bundle of chips operated together)
 +  * DRAM Channel
 +    * An interface to DRAM, each with its own ranks/banks
 +  * DIMM
 +    * More DIMM adds the interconnect complexity
 +  * List of commands to read/write data into DRAM
 +    * Activate -> read/write -> precharge
 +    * Activate moves data into the row buffer
 +    * Precharge prepare the bank for the next access
 +  * Row buffer hit
 +  * Row buffer conflict
 +  * Scheduling memory requests to lower row conflicts
 +  * Burst mode of DRAM
 +    * Prefetch 32-bits from an 8-bit interface if DRAM needs to read 32 bits
 +  * Address mapping
 +    * Row interleaved
 +    * Cache block interleaved
 +  * Memory controller
 +    * Sending DRAM commands
 +    * Periodically send commands to refresh DRAM cells
 +    * Ensure correctness and data integrity
 +    * Where to place the memory controller
 +      * On CPU chip vs. at the main memory
 +        * Higher BW on-chip
 +    * Determine the order of requests that will be serviced in DRAM
 +      * Request queues that hold requests
 +      * Send requests whenever the request can be sent to the bank
 +      * Determine which command (across banks) should be sent to DRAM
 +  * Priority of demand vs. prefetch requests
 +  * Memory scheduling policies
 +    * FCFS
 +    * FR-FCFS
 +      * Capped FR-FCFS: FR-FCFS with a timeout
 +      * Usually this is done in a command level (read/write commands and precharge/​activate commands)
 +    ​
 +  ​
 +===== Lecture 23 (3/28 Fri.) =====
 +  * DRAM design choices
 +    * Cost/​density/​latency/​BW/​Yield
 +  * Sense Amplifier
 +    * How do they work
 +  * Dual data rate
 +  * Subarray
 +  * Rowclone
 +    * Moving bulk of data from one row to others
 +    * Lower latency and BW when performing copies/​zeroes out the data
 +  * TL-DRAM
 +    * Far segment
 +    * Near segment
 +    * What causes the long latency
 +    * Benefit of TL-DRAM
 +      * TL-DRAM vs. DRAM cache (adding a small cache in DRAM)
 +  ​
 +  ​
 +  ​
 +===== Lecture 24 (3/31 Mon.) =====
 +  ​
 +  * Memory controller
 +    * Different commands
 +  * Memory scheduler
 +    * Determine the order of requests to be issued to DRAM
 +    * Age/​hit-miss status/​types(load/​store/​prefetch/​from GPU/from CPU)/​criticality
 +  * Row buffer ​
 +    * hit/​conflict
 +    * open/closed row
 +    * Open row policy
 +    * Closed row policy
 +    * Tradeoffs between open and closed row policy
 +      * What if the programs has high row buffer locality: open row might benefit more
 +      * Closed row will service misses request faster
 +  * Bank conflict
 +  * Interference from different applications/​threads
 +    * Differnt programs/​processes/​threads interfere with each other
 +      * introduce more row buffer/bank conflicts
 +    * Memory schedule has to manage these interference
 +    * Memory hog problems
 +  * Interference in the data/​command bus
 +  * FR-FCFS
 +    * Why does FR-FCFS make sense?
 +      * Row buffer has lower lantecy
 +    * Issues with FR-FCFS
 +      * Unfairness
 +  * STFM
 +    * Fairness issue in memory scheduling
 +    * How does STFM calculate the fairness and slowdown
 +      * How to estimate slowdown time when it is runing alone
 +    * Definition of fairness (based on STFM, different papers/​areas define fairness differently)
 +  * PAR-BS
 +    * Parallelism in programs
 +    * Intereference across banks
 +    * How to form  a batch
 +    * How to determine ranking between batches/​within a batch
 +    ​
buzzword.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/04/27 18:20 by rachata