Sequence Diagram peer review starter checklist

Modify, update, add, edit as seems appropriate

  1. Does the set of SDs cover the requirements, or are there holes?
  2. SD has a unique identifier and descriptive nickname phrase (e.g., SD-5: Turn around at dead end.)
  3. Objects: SD includes all objects and only objects relevant for the represented scenario. (No unused objects.)
  4. Flow of sequence runs from top to bottom (time flows top to bottom)
  5. Single, coherent set of actions represented
  6. Each arc annotated with a unique arc identifier and associated arc triggering condition (e.g., SD-5g bumper==true)
  7. Preconditions: Relevant preconditions in bubbles at top to disambiguate which SD applies to a situation
  8. Side effects: Relevant side effects noted in bubbles
  9. Postconditions: Relevant postconditions in bubbles at bottom
  10. SD traced to one or more system requirements

Last update 12/18/2021