Tzen-Chuen’s Status Report for 3/8

This week I configured the raspberry pi. This included installing a new headless OS for improved performance, and configuring the IPv4 address to allow for remote ssh. This allows us to set the raspberry pi up on CMU wifi and let us ssh into it to program it from wherever we are. The github repo is now also installed on it and progressing towards basic integration.

I didn’t get to creating a table and linking supabase to a user interface yet, but I have been looking into setting it up on a github domain. Now instead of zero cameras we have two cameras, and one cable to test the feedback from the other similar group that we may not have the requisite resolution.

Another significant part of the work this past week was the design report. I handled the Introduction and Project management sections, along with the Testing and Verification sections. While the design report seemed simple on its surface, actually putting every idea down in writing had a very clarifying effect on the overall direction of the project.

Progress is on schedule and now that all major components are here progress will go even smoother.

Tzen-Chuen’s Status Report for 2/22/25

This week had a spanner thrown into the plans. On top of a very important presentation for EPP that took more time out of my week than usual, the design presentation unveiled new considerations that need to be looked into.

The work that went into the design presentation helped the team straighten out the exact direction we want to head in, and the post-presentation feedback from professor Brumley was also extremely helpful. To incorporate that feedback into something tangible, I’ve been tinkering with Supabase and Another group brought up that there may be an issue in our selected camera, and I’ve been doing some research into camera resolution, field of view, and how that relates to clarity at a distance.

What’s worrying is I haven’t received an email about our camera being delivered (suitable or not), and although the raspberry pi repository hasn’t been fully fleshed out yet I have a more complete picture of what needs to be done. Next week I should be more free to steam ahead and catch back up.

Tzen-Chuen’s Status Report for 2/15

This week I was working on setting up the raspberry pi for more streamlined work. This mainly consisted of determining the OS, headless or GUI, and general design goals. I also put in the order for the raspberry pi from ECE inventory and the camera module from adafruit, specifying that it should be the 75 degree No IR filter variant. While not ordered yet, research went into ways that a raspberry pi can acquire GPS data. After ordering there was pickup, and sourcing an HDMI to mini HDMI cable.

Next week will be actually hacking the code together, and while I don’t think the raspberry pi portion of the code will reach MVP, there should be significant progress in data input, and transmission. The data server still hasn’t been designed as of yet, it is scheduled for tomorrow’s group meeting where we work on finishing the design presentation slides.

I am progressing on schedule, and my deliverable for next week is a github repo with a partially coded raspberry pi. The camera should arrive next week as well.

Tzen-Chuen’s Status Report 2/8/25

This week I worked on things related to project management and direction mostly. A large portion of this was working together with Richard and Eric on the design proposal slides. While we all contributed to the overall design through discussion and research, I was the one who put together the Gantt chart. Additionally, the task of presenting the design was me, so I also practiced myself before the presentation, running through possible questions and developing fluency.

Outside of the presentation, I’ve been working on ironing out the raspberry pi and camera module details, by pouring over the documentation on the site. I’ve also been researching the best possible solution for our small-scale data storage needs when the raspberry pi uploads data to the server.

My progress is ahead of schedule, and next week I plan to have the overall design of the system and how each portion connects to each other sorted out and ready to start building towards an MVP.