This week I configured the raspberry pi. This included installing a new headless OS for improved performance, and configuring the IPv4 address to allow for remote ssh. This allows us to set the raspberry pi up on CMU wifi and let us ssh into it to program it from wherever we are. The github repo is now also installed on it and progressing towards basic integration.
I didn’t get to creating a table and linking supabase to a user interface yet, but I have been looking into setting it up on a github domain. Now instead of zero cameras we have two cameras, and one cable to test the feedback from the other similar group that we may not have the requisite resolution.
Another significant part of the work this past week was the design report. I handled the Introduction and Project management sections, along with the Testing and Verification sections. While the design report seemed simple on its surface, actually putting every idea down in writing had a very clarifying effect on the overall direction of the project.
Progress is on schedule and now that all major components are here progress will go even smoother.