Tzen-Chuen’s Status Report 2/8/25

This week I worked on things related to project management and direction mostly. A large portion of this was working together with Richard and Eric on the design proposal slides. While we all contributed to the overall design through discussion and research, I was the one who put together the Gantt chart. Additionally, the task of presenting the design was me, so I also practiced myself before the presentation, running through possible questions and developing fluency.

Outside of the presentation, I’ve been working on ironing out the raspberry pi and camera module details, by pouring over the documentation on the site. I’ve also been researching the best possible solution for our small-scale data storage needs when the raspberry pi uploads data to the server.

My progress is ahead of schedule, and next week I plan to have the overall design of the system and how each portion connects to each other sorted out and ready to start building towards an MVP.

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