This week, I spent a lot of time working on the design review presentation and practicing since I presented on Wednesday. This involved doing research related to the Amber alert use case, specifically for our timing requirements, since we wanted them to be based on the expected situation. I found that the 60 second requirement was sufficient for an average lane change frequency on the highway (2.71 mi) but not enough for the worst case merging scenario (20 seconds), so I made that change to the requirements. I worked more with the PaddleOCR testing to continue exploring how it performs under more extreme weather conditions. I also worked with Richard to set up the basic pipeline of YOLOv11 to PaddleOCR, where YOLOv11 crops the image down to the plate, and PaddleOCR uses the cropped image to do OCR.
My progress is on schedule. Next week, I plan to continue testing the PaddleOCR with the YOLOv11 model integration, and explore methods to increase performance. I plan to use larger datasets to see how the overall pipeline performs, as well as beginning to check the inference time.