This status report period was spent half of the time completing the design report document and half of the time completing the goals for what I set last status report. Regarding the status report, I spent ample time completing the system implementation sections as well as the testing and validation sections. On top of this, the Design Trade Study section was split up amongst my teammates, which I also spent a decent amount of time on. For each section that I was responsible for, I backtracked on our prior research while also refining how we wanted to carve the rest of our project planning.
In regards to meeting our prior goals in the prior status report, the rest of my time was spent converting the IMU sensor + ESP32 hardware setup to support BLE. This came after the realization that it was not being recognized as a peripheral device on the software platform. This debugging required some changes to the firmware but after it was accomplished, we were able to successfully integrate the IMU sensor data with the mobile software platform, which Jamshed has been working on, and fully extracted said data. Our goals for the week after next (the next status report period timeframe) are to reduce noise and implement a smoothing function/low pass filter to refine the data extraction as well as possibly implement the mentioned Kalman filter to significantly improve the accuracy of the IMU sensor data. Nonetheless, we are on track with our goals in terms of both hardware and software setups and integration and hope to remain on track by completing the mentioned goals for next week.