Due to a better understanding of our project design implementation, we currently don’t identify any risks.
Our scheduling has not been changed, but we updated our Gantt chart:
The following is the link to the Gantt chart:
Our design is mostly similar to that of the project proposal. However, we have decided that handling computation on the host device is ideal for user workflow, instead of cloud computation. As a result, we may not need to use any cloud services for our project. This change will not cost us any of our budget, as we were intending to use EC2 free tier. In terms of hardware, we haven’t made any specific changes to how we want to implement this portion, but have made advancements in what we know to look for and have created some additional requirements to follow when purchasing parts. Taking notice of these new requirements are obviously necessary to ensure the hardware is able to meet our original user requirements. This does not incur any extra cost.
(A) Public health, safety or welfare:
RiseVBT is a product focused on optimizing the efficiency of weightlifting, which we believe (and many academic studies) to be a direct link to a user’s general health and well being. Providing objective feedback bolstered by scientific evidence would surely improve a person’s ability to be proactive in their physical fitness, feel more confident and motivated in their routine, and ensure they’re improving over time. The concept also aims to increase gym safety by providing tips on form and making it easy to self-assess what a user is in range to lift, decreasing the chance of injury and making weightlifting a safer activity. Additionally, we believe taking care of one’s body through physical fitness is a basic need and strength training as a simple means of enhancing life longevity and anatomical health.
(B) Social:
The gym is a well known community where many seek confidence and self-improvement, but fear of judgment or making mistakes can pose a major barrier for new lifters. RiseVBT helps by providing guidance of weightlifting fundamentals by providing feedback to refine technique, all while ensuring safe progress. This support empowers users to become independent in the gym, while providing assurance that they are on the right track.
(C) Economic:
Current VBT devices are quite expensive, with average costs in the hundreds of dollars. We intend to bring the practice of velocity based training to the amateur athlete at a lower production cost. Our accompanying app is also free, and provides additional information through video analysis. Our device is small and practical, allowing for a seamless integration into any athlete’s workout regimen.
A was written by Meadow.
B was written by Jason.
C was written by Jamshed.