There were a lot of set backs with regards to making progress on my part this week. Along with interviews that I needed to study for, I was having some issues getting the raspberry pi setup to begin testing the capacitive touch grid. Since I’ve never worked with these microcontrollers, I didn’t take into account extra components we may have needed to get it functioning correctly. After a couple of days I acquired the components and was able to get the raspberry pi working and begin looking at testing the small 3×3 capacitive grid I made. I was able to detect touches for the rows but not for the columns. This can most likely be attributed to how I connected the wires for the columns and may require me to remake the grid to get proper testing completed. So moving forward, I will remake a grid with more accurate alignment along with proper wiring for the columns and attempt to get intersection handling completed as soon as possible so I can begin working on creating the larger 9×9 grid.