Winstone’s Status Report for 02/08

This week was proposal presentation week, so we did some more research on what hardware and software we would use and finalized our idea. We prepared our presentation and decided I would present, so I spent a lot of time practicing. During class, we listened to other groups’ presentations and provided feedback. We also received some feedback and decided to shift our priorities and scheduling a bit to have a minimum viable product as soon as possible and continue developing iteratively.

Since I am in charge of the image processing and digit recognition, I looked some more into how OpenCV and Tesseract works. I do not have any computer vision experience, so these tools were new to me. Fortunately, Sudoku boards are fairly simple, so the processing seems straightforward. I would like to be able to test some code once we have our hardware.

Moises Status Report for 02/08

This past week, I have been exploring various Raspberry Pi models that feature HDMI output capabilities and support multiple input options. I have identified two potential candidates: the Raspberry Pi 5 (4GB/8GB) and the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. These models stand out due to their dual micro-HDMI output, sufficient processing power for handling multiple inputs, and strong community support, which makes development and troubleshooting easier. Additionally, both support OpenCV and other computer vision libraries, making them ideal for tasks involving image processing and real-time video analysis. I have also been learning how to set up these boards and have written some pseudocode for initializing pins and configuring the HDMI port for output.