The most significant risks to our project currently is deciding how to connect and pair the physical pad to the user device. This risk is being managed as we have come up with a few methods, such as bluetooth and are researching how to implement it.
We made a few slight changes to our design, particularly in the hardware where we have decided to implement a booster. This is needed as the LED inputs only take 5V data signals but the ESP32 microcontroller outputs 3.3V. Thus, we are using the booster to step up the voltage to the appropriate level. Another change we’ve made is using weight sensors instead of pressure sensors. This way, when we have stacked items, the sensors will detect a change in weight whereas pressure sensors won’t. The operation of the sensors themselves are relatively similar so our design doesn’t have to change to adjust.
No changes to our schedule have been made yet as our team is still on track.
We worked a bit on rapid prototyping this week and are finishing it up. We have used a website online to mimic our basic circuit and ensure basic functionality is working :