Lekha’s Status Report for 02/08/2025

Work Accomplished:

This week, I focused on the initial research and preparation for the necessary hardware components of our projects. Some of my key accomplishments include:

  1. Finalized  to-be-purchased hardware devices pending TA approval
    • NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit – $249
      • This specific kit offers performance improvements over the base kit, proving useful for AI (object detection tasks). This will prove especially useful for our computer vision capabilities in identifying grocery products.
      • Barrel Jack Power Supply for powering device
    • Arducam IMX477 – $80
      • Real-time object identification for video streams (identify grocery items as it is being placed in cart)
        • 60 FPS
      • Compatible with Jetson Orin Nano
  2. Decided to 3D print case encompassing Jetson Orin Nano and Arducam
    • customizable compact case fit to device sizes
  3. Consolidated research on setting up Jetson Orin Nano and connecting with specific camera 

Progress Status:

I am on track with our current timeline of finalizing device options in order to start preparing device setup for next week.

Next Week’s Goal:

  • Submit purchase forms for each of the hardware devices on Monday with TA approval
  • Mockup of hardware design on prototyping platform in most compact and efficient manner
  • Setup training procedure for YOLOv8 model

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