Nadia’s Status Report for 2/22/2025

Nadia’s Status Report for 2/22/2025

This week, I got started setting up some physical tests (loopback, basic communication with the peripherals to ensure working) as well as finishing porting over the preliminary code to FreeRTOS. More generally, using an RTOS will make having concurrency between the user-facing tasks (such as status LEDs, mode switching) easier to implement. I also reduced reliance on a debug terminal with serial since the debugger within the Cube IDE provides many graphical interfaces for using gdb. For deliverables, this also involved documenting the overall flow for the design document due on Friday.

I remain on schedule. Next week, we will focus our attention on finishing the design report since it is due this Friday, and I will begin tests to ensure that we retain full functionality when switching to an RTOS based setup. I aim to have this completed by the end of spring break so we can do more integration tests as well as start evaluating the ordered PCB.

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