Teddy’s Status Report for 2/22

The bulk of the time this week was spent designing parts for the z-axis movement/end effector as well as working on making a functioning conveyor belt. I’ve created CAD models for the rack and pinion movement, and have started assembly of the parts. I received multiple parts that had been ordered, including the suction-cup attachment for the end effector, and after some testing, decided that it would be necessary to actively pull a vacuum instead of having just passive suction. After some research, I was able to find a way to pull a vacuum (with minimal noise so it doesn’t interfere with other demos) and have ordered the parts for the vacuum attachment. I’m currently working on designing the 3d printed parts that will attach the vacuum and the end effector to the rack and pinion system. Additionally, I was able to construct a frame for the conveyor belt out of 3d printed parts and aluminum (image of frame is shown below). Currently working on designing a basic belt that will be the surface that the trash will rest on.

I am currently a little behind schedule, as the switch to an actively-pulled vacuum requires additional design work. I’m planning on finalizing the design of the z-axis/end effector and working on the Arduino code for the gantry xy movement for the over the next week.

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