Team Status Report for Feb 22

This week we focused on a few different things – the design presentation, which was mainly covered by Andrew,  UI development, which was covered by Anirudh and I (Amelia), and FPGA drama, which we all dealt with.

We finally got the UI setup scripts to work on other user’s computers – something we’d been working on. Once the set up process was finalized, we worked on a more usable interface that fits our use case requirements as laid out in our design presentation. We want to have the UI set up and run scripts completed soon because we plan to do some preliminary user testing while there is still plenty of time to make changes based on anything we learn.

The FPGA drama of the week was we found out that the Ultra96-V2 board we got is part of a broken batch that has non-functional wifi. Without the wifi, we can’t ssh into the board, so we had two options, either pick a new board, or obtain a wired uart extension board. We decided to try the Kria KV260, since that was another board we initially considered due to its greater memory capacity. Our initial hesitation with using this board was because none of us were familiar with Vitis, but after a little reading, we felt that we can learn how to use those EDA tools well enough to develop a synthesis flow. Now we may also be able to work with a larger model, which will give us more accurate text completions.

Group Goals for the next week:

  1. We have to complete the design review report for Friday
  2. Our new FPGA is arriving soon, so we need to start working on our new synthesis flows.

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