Lucas’ status report for 3/8

This week, I continued to work on the core game loop in Unity. I was able to add in a scoring system, and began work on implementing a json controlled beat map instead of dropping randomly generated notes. I also spent considerable time debugging a few things that ended up (mostly) being due to misunderstanding some Unity stuff. I also worked on writing the design review, and had to write up a few sections for it.

Next week, I think I’ll have to spend most of my time integrating; switching my sections of the game to use the game engine Yuhe developed, and writing it up in C++. I’d also like to do some work on the game’s visuals, as right now it doesn’t look great and could use some UI updates.

Lucas’ Status Report for 2/22

This week, I continued working on the main game while taking some additional time to focus on the design review.

I began implementing some more core features like using a JSON file to generate our beat maps as opposed to just having them place note blocks randomly, and began some of the work on the scoring system. Next week I aim to finish up with these two features and hopefully begin working on some more front end details, to make the game feel a bit more like a game for the time being.

I also made the slides for and presented the design review, which means I took some time outlining our project in a slideshow and doing a bit of presentation preparation. I’ll need to continue this a bit by writing up some of the design review’s written portion this week.

Lucas’ Status Report for 2/15

Made progress on core game loop. Wrote some scripts controlling note blocks and note block destruction/timing, currently note blocks are only randomly generated. I’m on track and want to continue progressing on the game by allowing the generated beats to be controlled by a JSON file instead of random generation, and incorporate more accurate timing feedback and improve the UI. 

Lucas’ Status Report for 2/8

Familiarized myself with the tools we’ll be using to develop our game and learned some of the syntax of C#  – worked through beginner Unity tutorials, and began to code some simple programs that may resemble parts of the game. Did some research and brainstorming on how best to represent certain important data structures and parts of the game.

For next week, I’d like to have  a basic working and playable “draft”; something that incorporates some of the basic gameplay elements of the final game. I’d also like to begin on some sort of home/settings pages on top of the core game loop.