Progress This Week
This week, I worked on the User Interface Layer for our game, focusing on implementing the main menu and song selection UI in Unity. Using Unity’s UI Toolkit and Canvas system, I created:
- A scrolling song list UI, allowing users to browse available beat maps. This was implemented using Scroll View with a vertical layout and dynamically instantiated UI elements for song entries.
- Main menu buttons, including Upload Music, Beat Map Editor, Settings, and Quit, which were placed inside a UI Canvas with Button components and linked to appropriate scene transitions and logic hooks.
Challenges Faced
One major challenge was version control. Unity’s built-in Plastic SCM requires using Unity Cloud for team collaboration, which made syncing my work with Lucas difficult. Granting privileges and managing team members in Unity Cloud was unnecessarily complex, and we ran into access issues when trying to pull/push changes.
Next Steps
Improve UI styling and transitions for a smoother user experience.
Work with Lucas to establish a more reliable version control workflow, possibly moving to Git with LFS for large assets.
Implement beat map metadata display in the song list.