Lucas’ Status Report for 2/8

Familiarized myself with the tools we’ll be using to develop our game and learned some of the syntax of C#  – worked through beginner Unity tutorials, and began to code some simple programs that may resemble parts of the game. Did some research and brainstorming on how best to represent certain important data structures and parts of the game.

For next week, I’d like to have  a basic working and playable “draft”; something that incorporates some of the basic gameplay elements of the final game. I’d also like to begin on some sort of home/settings pages on top of the core game loop.

Michelle’s Status Report for 2/8

This week I focused on getting familiar with the Librosa library and exploring its functions that will be relevant to our project. I was able to demonstrate tempo analysis and beat extraction working for songs with invariable tempo. I also started looking into ways to determine intensity, as that would be useful information for the game whether it affects number of notes or fun animations. Onset Strength may be a useful metric for intensity. Here are some notes from my exploration so far:

I also completed a basic tutorial for Unity game engine, as I have never used it before. I created a working Flappy Bird game to get familiar with Unity and C#. This will be useful for when I start working on the game UI later on in the project timeline.

My progress is on schedule. Next week, I plan to further explore Onset Strength as a metric and figure out how to extract that from songs. I also want to look into how to analyze the tempo and beats of songs with variable tempo, for example most classical music.