Michelle’s Status Report for 2/8

This week I focused on getting familiar with the Librosa library and exploring its functions that will be relevant to our project. I was able to demonstrate tempo analysis and beat extraction working for songs with invariable tempo. I also started looking into ways to determine intensity, as that would be useful information for the game whether it affects number of notes or fun animations. Onset Strength may be a useful metric for intensity. Here are some notes from my exploration so far: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x1v-kjtmkiGLtpr_eNxQ_WqPQmr7fqHTX-byE4wmWC8/edit?usp=sharing

I also completed a basic tutorial for Unity game engine, as I have never used it before. I created a working Flappy Bird game to get familiar with Unity and C#. This will be useful for when I start working on the game UI later on in the project timeline.

My progress is on schedule. Next week, I plan to further explore Onset Strength as a metric and figure out how to extract that from songs. I also want to look into how to analyze the tempo and beats of songs with variable tempo, for example most classical music.

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