Melina’s Status Report for 3/1/2025


Official Project Management Schedule Updates

  • COMPLETE Design Report
  • IN PROGRESS Pitch Analysis
  • NOT STARTED Match Microphone Data to EGG

Personal Task Updates

  • DONE Draft Design Review Report with the team
  • DONE Ensure the team has a repository set up along with agreement on code style/organizational expectations
  • DOING Draft code for pitch analysis
  • TODO Propose modification to Pitch Analysis Testing

My tasks are on time, and given that nothing new was currently scheduled, I have Week 8 to complete pitch analysis.

Pitch Analysis

An initial attempt has been made at utilizing Librosa for pitch analysis. I learned how to load an audio file and extract basic information such as tempo, frequencies and their magnitudes. The current issue is that the pitch detection algorithm outputs a lot of frequencies, with some that appear to be noise. Overall extracting frequencies at the correct times is difficult, however, after reading Tyler’s updates, I saw that Voce Vista may already output the frequencies in a cleaner manner. This would help the algorithm more accurately map those frequencies to a note based on a standardized chart. The algorithm will have to take into account that there is some natural variance in pitch for the human voice compared to instruments. For example, the standardized chart marks G4 at 392 Hz and G4# at 415.3. An appropriate range has to be considered to distinguish adjacent notes. I’m currently thinking of approaching this by providing some slack in the range of frequencies that map to a note. This means our testing would likely be modified to include having a vocalist sing a series of notes, such as “Happy Birthday” and have the vocal coach verify that that the pitch detected agrees with their perception of the pitch for 90% of the notes sung. Proposing this modification for testing to the team has been noted as a new personal task.

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