So far I have been able to get the electroglottograph to work, as well as learn about the larynx simulator attachment we got. For VoceVista however I am a little worried that once the trial version runs out and I do not input the key in time I will lose any files I upload into VoceVista if I can’t get the software key before the trial runs out. PhaseComp is the backup plan for me to be able to continue using the electroglottograph after the trial runs out and before I get VoceVista purchased.
For the larynx simulator it is able to mimic the larynx vibrations and is quite useful in guaranteeing that our electroglottograph is producing proper data.
Some things I want to focus on are getting feedback on the recordings I upload and understanding how to manipulate the closed quotient physically. I have meetings scheduled with opera singers as well to test out placements of the sensors to get the best data. Another thing I am not unsure of right now is how the microphone is incorporated with the electroglottograph and why it needs to be connected to the electroglottograph.
So far I at least on track, if not slightly ahead of schedule as I keep experimenting with VoceVista as well as the electroglottograph.