This week, I spent most of my time looking into hardware components for our project. More specifically, I looked into the camera, GPS/Compass, and battery components. I also began drafting plans for mounting these components cleanly and comfortably. Currently, I plan to mount the camera to the helmet with a GoPro mount. This would let us adjust the camera angle based on testing results. Furthermore, I would like to create a case for the Jetson board and its components using laser cutting or 3D printing. If it is light enough, the board and battery can be mounted to the helmet, but otherwise, we may need to use a hip-mounted pack for comfort.
I also placed the order form for the Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano. I noticed a 4GB variant (non-Orin) was also available in the existing ready-to-use stock, but I am unsure if it is sufficient to run our models.
I am on track for our Gantt Chart Schedule. Although I have not placed all the orders for the other parts yet, testing of the code can begin once we receive our Jetson board. I would like to get this before placing orders for some of the parts (like the camera), so we can test the interfacing available. I also want to check how well it runs the model, as the top contender for the camera (Arducam IMX219) outputs a 3280 x 2464 pixel image. Although the FOV seems promising, the resolution might be too high to run our model at a suitable refresh rate.
For next week, I hope to finalize all of the parts and place the orders! However, I will emphasize that I want to ensure the components work first, which may require testing on the Jetson board beforehand.