Last week, I primarily worked on the design review document, refining the finer details. Additionally, the conversation we had during the design presentation was useful as we decided that the noise filtering features might be excessive, especially with the microphone being so close to where the signal will be coming from. As our microphone has just recently come in, we are excited to experiment with this process and test these in environments that flutists commonly compose in, like their personal rooms (where there might be slight background noise) and studios (virtually no noise). Hopefully with the calibration step, we can eliminate excessive noise filtering and decrease the amount of time it takes to get the sheet music to the user. Furthermore, after meeting with Professor Sullivan last week, we have a better idea of implementing audio segmentation, deciding to focus on the RMS rather than just the peaks in amplitude for note beginnings, so we plan on implementing a sliding RMS window of around 10 ms and looking for peaks there. After creating these segmentations, I plan to implement my module of rhythm detection here since we cannot just use the length of the segmentation as there might be a rest in the segmentation. Overall we are currently on track, but this week we expect to run into more issues as audio segmentation will most likely be the hardest aspect of our project.
Finally, we are excited for how our collaboration with the music department will look as many seem interested. We will be reaching out to the flutists this week to get them registered for the mini as well.