I mainly focused on my parts for the design review document and editing it with Grace and Shivi. Shivi and I also had the opportunity to speak to flutists in Professor Almarza’s class about our project, and we were able to recruit a few of them to help us with recording samples and providing feedback throughout our project. It was a cool experience to hear about their thoughts as well as understand how this could be helpful for them during practice sessions they have. Specifically for my parts of the project I continued working on the website and learned how to record audio and store it in our database to be used later. I will now be starting to put more of efforts in the Gen AI part. I am thinking of utilizing a Transformer-based generative model trained on MIDI sequences and I will need to learn how to take MIDI files and convert them into a series of token encodings of musical notes, timing, and dynamics, so that it can be processed by the Transformer model. I will also start compiling a dataset of flute MIDI files.