Deeya’s Status Report for 2/15/25

This week, I made progress on our project’s website by setting up a Django application that closely follows the UI design from our mockup using HTML and CSS. I am finishing up implementing the user authentication process using OAuth, which will allow users to easily register and log in with their email addresses. User profile information is being stored in an SQL database. I am currently on track with the website development timeline and will be focusing next on being able to upload files and storing them in our database. Also I will begin working on the “Past Transcriptions” web page, which will show the user’s transcription history along with the dates each transcription was created.

Regarding the generative AI component of the project, I am still searching for a large enough labeled dataset for training our model. I found the MAESTRO dataset of piano MIDI files, which would be ideal if a similar dataset existed for the flute. If I am unable to find a large labeled dataset within the next few days, I am planning on creating a small dataset myself as a starting point. This will allow me to start experimenting with model training and fine-tuning while continuing to look for a better dataset.

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