Aleks’ Status Report 2/15

This week, I focused on working through our design requirements with our group. I participated in multiple group sessions to brainstorm the best solutions and both ask for and provide feedback on our individual project research areas. I continued my research into the Spotify API to ensure it met our updated requirements. I also did research into discovering the best strategy to retrieve lyrics for our application. I spent time researching and evaluating multiple APIs, web resources, and tools for accuracy and availability. We also got feedback that our GANTT chart needed improvement. I created a true GANTT chart and updated the tasks and timeline to be more fully fleshed out and aligned with our new design decisions. I also spent substantial time working on our presentation slides and going through gradual iteration and revision with my group. Next week, I hope to spend a bit of time actually building with our resources, then I will focus on our design report, taking into account any feedback from our presentation.

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